I’m sure it sometimes feels like we’re beating a dead horse with all our talk about the importance of quality content for search engine optimization. But considering the impact of meaningful, deep website content when it comes to SEO for plumbers, it’s a topic I’m willing to wear out.
Internet marketing is where many professional plumbers feel overwhelmed and sometimes disinterested. The fantastic news for a busy plumbing business like yours is that you can hire a whole team of SEO professionals to manage content writing, allowing you to focus on what you do best (plumbing)!
The Right Way to Do Content Writing for Organic SEO
But First, The Wrong Way to Do Content Writing
I was recently doing some online research for an article I was drafting, and I came across a great post. It was addressing my query and provided some good data. And then, it morphed into absolute gibberish. Formerly coherent sentences were interrupted by phrases (linked, of course) that didn’t align with the train of thought.
It reminded me of that episode of “Friends,” in which Joey tries to sound smart by using a Thesaurus to translate every word of a letter. (If you missed that one, the resulting note was, as you can imagine, utter nonsense.)
Paragraph after paragraph, the once-promising post deteriorated into a mish-mash of text on the page. I couldn’t even salvage what I had gleaned from those initial paragraphs because the whole thing suddenly seemed unreliable. Or, to be frank, spam. It was spam.
Google Wants Quality Content for HUMANS
Spam no longer has a place on the internet for web admins and business owners who want to leverage the internet to attract new clients and grow their companies. The tactics I just mentioned are called “Black Hat SEO,” and they have no place on a web page.
Google doesn’t like them, and humans (like me) don’t know what in the world to make of that gibberish, which, ironically, is trying to trick search engines into pulling better rankings. We refuse to use this approach with our clients because we know that they don’t work.
Since around 2012, Google algorithms have changed to punish sites showing evidence of keyword stuffing increasingly, shady links, redirects, or any other backdoor means to trick a search engine into a top spot. More recently, Google launched the Helpful Content Update to target low-quality content.
Your website is missing the mark if the content writing doesn’t serve a person who would logically search for your plumbing services on your page. Yes, many aspects of SEO and internet marketing aren’t precisely user-facing per see.
But at the end of the day, the quality of the content writing and its relevance will go very far in Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., finding value in your page.
Don’t Make Content Writing for Plumbing Overly Technical
Yes, I said the content for your plumbing website should be deep and meaningful. But throwing in too much industry jargon may lose the layman regarding engagement and readability. I believe those who demonstrate understanding the best can thoroughly explain something complex.
Do not hear that you should talk down to your site viewers. That misunderstanding could result in thin content or a condescending tone. Instead, think about how you speak to clients in real life about their plumbing issues if you’re conveying something relevant. It’s the same. (Just with better grammar).

Having a delegated content writing team for your website can be highly beneficial. There is inherently a gap in my ability, for example, to get overly technical because I wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a burst pipe or a backed-up toilet. (Except call the first plumber I can find on Google with a decent page!)
However, I can speak to folks like me who know what it’s like to need plumbing repairs and who rely on Google SERPs to find their match. Content writing for plumbing SEO should embody great information about plumbing and the right keywords and format to appeal to search engine quality guidelines.
When It Comes to Content Writing, Grammar Still Counts
You’re not exactly contributing to a scholarly journal with every press of the “Publish” button. But you should still put your best text forward, whether the plumbing content writing is for a webpage, social media post, or blog article.
Copy that is sloppy and hard to read due to typos or incorrect formatting will not provide a positive user experience. And this is terrible news for you because the user experience is a factor for search rankings. If there is a high bounce rate from your Home Page, you could fall behind your competitors.
However, if you publish insightful, enjoyable posts regularly, this means that viewers (i.e., potential customers) are more likely to spend longer on your site. Perhaps they peruse your blog posts for a bit, spend some time reviewing the photo gallery, or click throughout the main site pages to learn more about the plumbing repairs you offer.
The longer that viewers spend on your site, the lower the bounce rate. This engagement signals to search engines like Google that you provide an excellent plumbing website user experience. You will see the rewards in increased rankings and better SERP positioning.
The Benefits of Hiring Content Writers for Plumbing SEO
You may have a very talented member of your team who you think can handle the content aspect of internet marketing for your plumbing company. But there are many benefits to hiring seasoned content writers who work for plumbers en masse.
We derive significant benefits from the combined years of experience and lessons learned that will ultimately serve you exponentially better than an in-house resource.
Professional Content Writing Delivers:
- Exceptional vocabulary and grammar utilization
- Internal processes for optimizing every word and title on the page, including the best keywords for plumbing
- Oversight by the editor(s) who can ensure error-free pages throughout your web presence
- Scaled support to churn out content regularly, an activity that boosts rankings
- Up-to-date Best Practices for maximizing most current Google algorithm preferences
Find Your Voice for Plumbing Content Writing That Engages
If you’ve never heard the term “your voice” in writing, it’s essentially how your personality infuses into your written words. A writer with a distinctive voice can invest their prose with a style of their own, that you can tell who wrote it before even reading the byline.
I’m not suggesting you take a Creative Writing class in your spare time. (What spare time? Exactly.) But infusing an engaging voice into content writing about plumbing is a great way to differentiate your website in the market.
No offense, but plumbing repairs aren’t exactly sexy to discuss, and reading about them is even less so. But if you embrace this and offer viewers your plumbing website content that is light, unique, and even entertaining, it could mean more traffic and more calls. And all of that equates to better search engine rankings, so it keeps paying off.
Knock, Knock Jokes Need Not Apply
I’m not suggesting you turn your social media websites into joke sites or start curating memes. There’s enough of that these days. Your plumbing company has a reputation to uphold, and so your content should reflect that. But can you imagine the impact it would have on a potential client to see your face in a YouTube video demonstrating a simple DIY plumbing repair?
Or what if they read a blog post that made them laugh while espousing your fantastic online reviews? I guarantee that person is far more likely to pick up the phone or at least follow your Facebook Business Page for future reference. Thus, you can develop a referral network that will serve you repeatedly, and in turn, you can help with the tremendous knowledge that resides in your head.
Write What You Know
The best advice for writers, time and time again, is: write what you know. No one expects your website to serve all of their home repair needs. But when it comes to plumbing services, your writing content should be the best out there (or, at least, the best in your area)! So take some time to see what others are doing and find a way to do it better.
Try delegating the content writing for plumbing SEO to a team of pros (like us). Then, we know what performs well geographically, and we can infuse the personality and value that keeps a busy pro like yourself reading an article as long as this one. (You’ve made it to the end. Cheers!)